There are many commercials on TV and products on the shelves for flushable wipes targeting not just infants but everyone!

Manufacturers of these wipes report that they are flushable, which technically is true. You CAN flush them down the toilet, but that doesn’t mean it’s a good thing.

To answer the question “Do flushable wipes cause plumbing problems?” – In short, the answer is yes, they do. Although these products do eventually break down – it takes them alot longer to do so than toilet paper. So, they can accumulate and cause blockages in your sewer pipes.

The truth is that flushable wipes and baby wipes can take many years to break down. Cities across the world are spending millions cleaning out these massive clogs of flushable wipes from their sewer systems. Homeowners can spend hundreds to thousands cleaning out their septic tanks or sewer pipes due to the clogged mess that flushable wipes are creating.

The term “flushable” on the package is correct – yes you can flush them but you can also flush golf balls down the toilet, doesn’t mean that you should.

Flushable wipes are simply NOT SAFE for plumbing.

Are There Any Truly Flushable Wipes?

You may be thinking that if you purchase “biodegradable” wet wipes it will be better. Sorry to say that the answer is again, no. These types of wipes are still not good for your plumbing system.

What is recommended is to have a separate garbage can in your bathroom to throw these wipes away in. That is the best solution if you insist on using them.

If you have any questions about your plumbing, call Atlantis Plumbing today at 770-443-8229. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.