This may seem like a random, odd question but in our 50 plus years of service here in the Atlanta, Georgia area we have seen just about everything there is to see when it comes to plumbing issues.

And yes, rats can come out of the toilet! (Roaches too!)

But don’t panic – it’s not an occurrence we come across often at all.

How Do Rats Get Into My Toilet?

Your toilet is connected to either your septic tank or your city sewer system.

Sewer rats search through every nook and cranny for food and shelter and that can mean that yes, they can make their way up through the pipes into your home and into your toilet. Since they will feed on feces when there is nothing else to eat then it’s only natural that they will continue following that path until they, inadvertently end up in your toilet.

Do We Have A Rat Problem In Atlanta, Georgia?

In an article written in December 2000 – the journalist was reporting about the slashing of funds in Atlanta’s “rat patrol” services.

A headcount is not available, but scientists, exterminators and officials estimate that there is one rat for every person. Around 4 million people live in the Atlanta area. – recently compiled a list of the top 50 most rat infexted cities in the USA and the city of Atlanta is ranked as #10! So, yes, we do have rats in Atlanta. And just so you know, the #1 most rat infested city was Chicago, Illinois and the city of Madison, Wisconsin came in at #50.

How Do You Get Rid Of Sewer Rats?

Rats can get into your sewer pipes directly from the city sewer system but they can also get in via broken sections of your pipes so you will want to get those issues fixed by having a sewer camera inspection done by a professional plumber to see if there are any broken sections of your piping.

Your plumber should recommend specific materials to patch those broken areas with that are more difficult for rats to chew through. For example: Copper wool is very difficult for rats to chew through so this may be something that could be used for your problem.

The other solution is to have RatFlaps installed or other similar products which create a barrier for the rat but not for the water and waste in the sewer system.

Consulting with a pest specialist will also help to give you specific solutions to your specific situation.

If you have any questions about your toilet system or are having some problems with it, call Atlantis Plumbing today at 770-443-8229. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.